Application Form

Do you think you can be useful to the Luna Classic community in some way and are you looking for a solid home for your ideas and your creativity?

Luna Classic Labs aims to get a lot of people with unique experiences, but they don’t have to be at an expert level. First of all, we want to create a creative community of free-thinking, trustworthy and good people who are ready to work for the Luna Classic community.

This form serves to determine preliminary interest in your membership with Luna Classic Labs. Its completion is not binding for either the applicant or Luna Classic Labs.

There are dozens of cases where you can be useful to Luna Classic Labs. Some of them are:

  • blockchain developer
  • developer in another field (web, games, software…)
  • web designer
  • market analyst (technical and fundamental analysis)
  • marketing specialist
  • editor
  • other

If you want to be part of an altruistic LUNC team of positive people who are ready to work for a better future of the Terra Classic blockchain, fill out this form: